Wormerveer, Concerts on the Zaan: 13-12-2019

20: 00: performance of the complete Wohltemperiertes Klavier part I of J.S. Bach 19:00: introduction to the concert by Marcel Location: showroom of designer Maroeska...

Voorburg: 08-12-2019

15: 00: performance of the complete Wohltemperiertes Klavier part I of J.S. Bach 14:00 – 14:30: introduction to the Wohltemperiertes Klavier  CONCERT ON INVITATION ONLY

Harderwijk, Catharina chapel: 01-12-2019

14: 00: Concertlecture with Dutch author Jan Brokken about his book ‘Waarom elf Antillianen knielden voor het hart van Chopin’ (Why eleven Antilleans kneeled...

Amersfoort, Aegtekapel: 11/24/2019

11:00 – 12:00 – “Inspired by Chopin”: work by Frédéric Chopin and by composers, influenced and inspired by him. Works by Frédéric Chopin, Pyotr...

Rotterdam, Art in the Chamber: 22-11-2019

Concert lecture about Jan Brokken’s book ‘In the poet’s house’ about his friendship with the Russian pianist Yuri Egorov, who died in 1988 –...

Franeker, Piano Practice ‘Pianissimo’ 17-11-2019

15: 00: performance  of the first 12 Preludes and Fugues from the Welltempered Clavier part I of J.S. Bach including an introduction to the...

Eelde, Museum de Buitenplaats: 14-11-2019

20: 00:  performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier part I of J.S. Bach At 19:00: introduction to the concert by Marcel Worms (free for...

Amsterdam, Splendor: 10-11-2019

15: 00: performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier part I of J.S. Bach 14:00 introduction to the concert by Marcel Worms Tickets via www.splendoramsterdam.com €...

Wormerveer, Concerten aan de Zaan

16:00 short concert with a selection from the Preludes and Fugues from Bachs’ Welltempered Clavier, book I. The concert will take place in the...

Velp, Grote Kerk: 05/11/2019

8:00 PM: concert lecture on ‘Baltic Souls’, the book by writer Jan Brokken on the Baltic countries Music from the Baltic countries – works...

Harderwijk, Catharinakapel: 03-11-2019

14: 00: Series of Randmeer concerts ‘Inspired by Chopin’: work by Frédéric Chopin and by composers, influenced and inspired by him. Works by Frédéric...

Amstelveen, private concert, 2-11-2019

5 p.m. concert with works by Mompou, Debussy, Ravel, Chopin and jazzversions of Waltzes by Chopin by Leopold Godowsky, Howard Flynn and Louis Gruenberg

Haarlem, Remonstrantse Kerk (Remonstrants Church)

Concertlecture for ‘het filosofisch café’ (the philosophical cafe) with philosopher and writer Jos Kessels about his recent book  ‘Het welgetemperd gemoed’ (the welltempered mind)....

Haarlem, Remonstrant Church: 23-10-2019

7:45 PM performance with philosopher and writer Jos Kessels on an evening organized by the Philosophical Café In this concert lecture, his argument about...

Banstraat, Amsterdam: 10-10-2019

15: 00-NA: 00 performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier part I of J.S. Bach 14:00 short lecture about the Wohltemperierte Klavier CONCLUDED CONCERT

Deventer, Noorderberg concerts: 12-10-2019

4:00 PM performance of the complete Welltempered Clavier part I of J.S. Bach At 3:00 p.m. Marcel will give an introduction to the Welltempered...

Deventer, Noorderbergconcerten: 12-10-2019

16:00-NA:00 uitvoering van het complete Wohltemperierte Klavier deel I van J.S. Bach

Den Haag, Escher in het Paleis: 05-10-2019

20:00-1:00 Optreden tijdens de Museumnacht Den Haag Uitvoering van het complete eerste boek van Bachs Wohltemperierte Klavier in vijf korte concerten Graficus Maurits Escher was een...

Santpoort, ‘t Mosterdzaadje: 27-09-2019

20: 00-NA: performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier part I of J.S. Bach

Diemen, Schuilkerk de Hoop: 26-09-2019

‘The well-tempered mind’, with writer and philosopher Jos Kessels In this concert lecture, his argument about Bach’s life lessons will be interspersed with a...

Den Bosch, Willem Two: 22-09-2019

11: 00-NA: performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier part I of J.S. Bach www.willem-twee.nl At 10:30 am introduction to the WTK by Marcel Worms

Rotterdam, Pro Rege: 20-09-2019

20: 00: performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier book I of J.S. Bach www.muzikc.nl

Amsterdam, Oude Schans: 13-09-2019

20: 00-NA: 00 performance of the complete Wohltemperierte Klavier part I of J.S. Bach CONCLUDED CONCERT