Kunst in de Kamer Nijmegen: Heiligland Stichting
Concertlecture with Dutch writer Judith Koelemeijer around her biography of Etty Hillesum Music by Johanna Bordewijk-Roepman, Frédéric Chopin, Mischa Hillesum, Dick Kattenburg, Szymon Laks, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Erich Ziegler Admission exclusively for members of ‘Kunst in de Kamer’
Santpoort, ‘t Mosterdzaadje
Pianomusic of Franz Schubert: Impromptu nr.1 in e flat minor D.946 and Pianosonata in B flat major D.960 http://mosterdzaadje.nl/
Amsterdam, Nicolaas Maesstraat
Concert with two Sonatas by Franz Schubert: Sonata a minor D.845 and Sonata in B flat major D.960 On invitation only
Amsterdam, Musicstudio of Marcel Worms
Yearly celebration of Johann Sebastian Bachs’ birthday: Happy Bachdag 2025! Theme of the concert: Bach as an inspired inspirator We celebrate Bachs 340th birthday....
Amsterdam, Portugese Synagogue
concert illuminated by hundreds of candles in the atmospheric Portugese Synagogue ‘Jewish Composers WWithout Borders’ Program to be announced soon … https://jck.nl/en/location/portuguese-synagogue
Amsterdam, Buurthuis Lydia
Concert with pianosonatas by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven Adress: Roelof Hartplein 2A, Amsterdam https://buurthuislydia.nl/podium-lydia-zondagmatinee-3/