Artikelen uit “Man and Melody” geschreven door Marcel Worms

Articles from ‘Man and Melody’ written by Marcel Worms:

Man and melody was a Dutch music magazine , which was founded in 1946 by Wouter Paap and Jaap Kunst and was last published in 2012.


 Travel to Brazil and Bolivia
Man and Melody – 2005


 Travel to Israel and the Palestinian Territories
Man and Melody – 2005


 Travel to Iran
Man and Melody – 2004, volume 59, no. 4/6


Man and Melody – 2004, volume 59, no. 3/6


 Travel to Indonesia
Man and Melody – 2004, volume 59, no. 2/6


 Travel to Cuba
Man and Melody – 2003, volume 58, no. 6/6


 Report of Marcels tour through Sri Lanka and India


 Report of Marcels tour in Georgia