Partitas by J.S.Bach and by his contemporary Christoph Graupner
Graupners’ claviermusic can be heard rather seldom and yet this German baroque composer was – during his lifetime – as famous as his contemporary J.S.Bach. During most of his life Graupner worked as ‘Capelmeister’ in the service of the court Darmstadt. There he composed an enormous and rich body of work . However almost all of these works remained within the walls of the Darmstadt Court as the count of Darmstadt, his employer, considered Graupners’ compositions as his private property. When eventually his works could be showed publicly (in the beginning of the 19th Century) Graupner had fakllen into oblivion and his style – less polyphonic and hence much simpler than Bachs’ style – was no longer fashionable. It’s time for a rehabilitation of Graupner!
Christoph Graupner (1683 – 1760) : Partita in C major GWV 101 / Partita in c minor GWV 102 /Partita in d minor GWV 824
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750): Partita nr.2 in c minor BWV 826 / Partita nr.6 in e minor BWV 830
Concert on invitation only