More New Blues for Piano - NM EXTRA 98021

Recording: April 2001, Studio 1 Music Center of the Broadcasting, Hilversum
Recording and editing: Jorn Mineur and Rob Heerschop
Music director: Jorn Mineur
Design: Studio Eric Wondergem BNO Baarn

A new series of Blues and ‘Blues-like’ pieces. This CD is a continuation of the NMEXTRA CD ‘Blues for Piano’
1. John Wolf Brennan (Switzerland) – Silly Blooze (1999): listen

2. Gilberto Mendes (Brazil) – Warum Blues (2001)
3. Ana Mihajlovic (Serbia) – A Sad Smile Blues (2000/2001)
4. Alicia Terzian (Argentina) – Tango Blues (1999)
5. Burton Greene (the Netherlands / USA)) – Buddy’s Bitonal Blues II (2000)
6. Srdan Dedic (the Netherlands / Croatia) – All that Blues (2000)
7. Jacob ter Veldhuis (the Netherlands) – Honky Tonk Blues (1999)
8.Jacob ter Veldhuis – Off; On Situation Blues (1999)
9.Alon Nechusthan (Israel) – Ancient City Blues (1999)
10.Douwe Eisenga (the Netherlands) –
Growing worm, stabbing it’s back slowly into the blues (2001)
11. Jeff Hamburg (the Netherlands) – Uncle Mendel’s Ukrainian Blues (1999)
12.Hanna Kulenty (the Netherlands / Poland) – Drive Blues (2000)
13.Daan Manneke (the Netherlands) – Blues for Marcel (2000)
14.Dan Dediu (Romania) – Ubu Blues (2000)
15. Vincent van Warmerdam (the Netherlands) – Cradlerockin ‘Blues (2000)
16.Justino Chemane (Mozambique) – Nganda Blues (2000)
17.Emil Viklicky (Czech Republic) – Who’s got the Blues? (1987)